Four (4) Causes of Ladder Accidents
The use of a ladder to get to out of reach heights is common in the home and in the workplace. Ladder accidents happen all the time and serious injuries or death can result from these types of falls. If you are injured in a ladder accident, contact an LA ladder injury lawyer who can help you get money for your injuries.
According to the Culture of Safety, the four most common causes of ladder accidents include:
Selecting the Wrong Type of Ladder
Using Worn or Damaged Ladders
Incorrect Use of Ladders
Incorrect Placement of Ladders
When using a ladder, it is important to consider the ladder’s weight capacity. Different ladders are specifically designed to support different weights. If the weight limit is exceeded, the ladder can break, causing the user to fall and sustain injuries.
In addition, consider the height of the job and the appropriate height of the ladder to do that job. Many ladder accidents result from using ladders too short for the job. Never place the ladder on something to extend its reach or stand on the top rung of the ladder—doing so increases the chance of falling and sustaining injuries.

Broken Ladder
A common factor causing ladder accident injuries is using old, worn or damaged ladders. Like other tools, ladders have a limited safe and useful life. The amount of usage, the number of times up and down, coupled with the weight supported may cause the ladder to wear down. Using a damaged ladder can be extremely dangerous. If the ladder breaks, the user is likely to fall and suffer serious injuries or even death. For this reason, it is important to inspect the ladder for any damage before use.
Human error is the leading cause of ladder injury accidents. A ladder should never be used in way that is not how the manufacturer intended it to be used for. Also, never alter the ladder or attempt to make it longer.
In addition, when using ladders, always use three (3) points of contact with the ladders. This means to keep at least a total of three (3) hands and feet in contact with the ladder at all times while using the ladder.
Further, never reach too far to either side; instead climb down, move the ladder to the side, closer to what was reached for, then climb back-up the ladder. This is much safer and will help prevent falls and injuries and even deaths.
Always place the ladder on level and firm ground. Failure to do so can cause the ladder to tip and fall which may result in injuries to the user. Never place the ladder in front of an unguarded door, unless it is carefully and securely locked or blocked.
If you plan to use a ladder, the best thing to do is to find a helper to support the base of the in-use ladder. If no helper is available, the consider staking the feet of the ladder to provide some additional safety support. If you are injured while using a ladder, depending on the cause of the accident, you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries. To find out if financial compensation is available in your case, contact an experienced LA ladder injury lawyer today!