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Postal Carriers Bit by Dogs at Alarming Rate

USPS Lawyers Handle Mail Carrier Dog Bite Cases POSTAL Carriers Bit by Dogs at Alarming Rate Postal Carriers in Los Angeles and Throughout California Lead the Nation in Dog Bite Injuries California Leads the Nation in States With Dog Bites of Postal Employees Los Angeles Ranks 4th Among All Cities in Dog Bites of Mail Carriers

We all know that most dogs are protective and often bark at and sometimes viciously attack and bite our mail carriers. If you (or a fellow employee) are a postal carrier or have any job with the United States Postal Service (USPS) and were bit and injured in any dog attack anywhere in Los Angeles, Riverside, San Diego or California, please contact our very experienced USPS dog bite personal injury law offices now for an absolutely FREE consultation and case evaluation.

Our senior attorney worked for the post office, was a mail carrier (sometimes called a letter carrier), truck driver delivering packages and other items, and mail sorter. He was bit by a dog while delivering mail and attacked by dogs several times while on duty as a mail carrier. With this Post Office work and dog bite experience and over 45 years experience handling and winning dog bite injury cases and thousands of personal injury cases in Los Angeles and California, our dog bite injury law firm has the experience and resources and record of success you need to not only win your case but to provide you with the outstanding service and personal attention you need and deserve.

We take care of our fellow USPS employees!

The USPS announced that in 2021 more than 5400 mail carriers and other postal employees were bit and injured by dogs, California ranked number one of all states with 787 dog bites in 2020 and 656 bites in 2021, and Los Angeles ranked fourth of all cities with 44 dog bites in 2021. San Diego, California had 31 reported dog bites in 2021. And these are just the “reported” dog bites. There probably are many others.

Clearly, vicious dog bites and attacks present a very serious threat and risk to our mail carriers, other postal employees, and our package delivery personnel such as UPS and FED EX delivery persons who also are bit by dogs, and the public in general.

National Dog Bite Awareness Week

The USPS has an annual NATIONAL DOG BITE AWARENESS WEEK, held in June. The clever dog bite safety theme of the NATIONAL DOG BITE AWARENESS WEEK held Sunday June 5 through Saturday June 11 in 2022 is “The USPS Delivers for America – Deliver for Us by Restraining Your Dog.”

As part of the public service campaign, the USPS released: “Every year, thousands of postal employees are attacked by dogs as they deliver America’s mail. And while it’s a dog’s natural instinct to protect their family and home, we ask all customers to act responsibly by taking safety precautions with their dogs while the mail is being delivered,” stated by USPS Employee Safety and Health Awareness Manager Leeann Theriault. Therialt added, “When a carrier comes to the residence, keep the dog inside the house and away from the door — or behind a fence on a leash — to avoid an attack.”

Further, the USPS Occupational Safety and Health Senior Director said, “The Postal Service takes the safety of our employees as seriously as we take our commitment to delivering America’s mail. Each year, nearly 6,000 employees are attacked by dogs while on their routes,” according to USPS Occupational Safety and Health Senior Director Linda DeCarlo. The Senior USPS Director added, “Please deliver for us by being responsible pet owners and make sure your dogs are secured when our carrier comes to your mailbox.”

Dogs Are Protective – Often Leading to Dog Bites

Many dogs are very protective so even “friendly” dogs may bite postal carriers depending on the circumstances. Some dogs are known to react to the uniform or a stranger carrying a postal bag (often called a postal satchel) or other items. Many dogs are territorial and protective which may lead to barking or sometimes biting the mail carrier. To prevent these animal bites it’s important for all dog owners to recognize this possible threat, to be a responsible dog owner and take appropriate measures to prevent dog attacks and dog bites.

How to Prevent Dog Attacks and Bites of USPS Mail Carriers

One step responsible dog owners can take is to be certain to restrain their dogs at the times their regular letter carrier come to deliver their mail as there usually is a general approximate time these deliveries occur, but of course these times can be altered, especially during the summer when many mail carriers take their vacations.

Training for mail carriers to avoid dog attacks and dog bites is supposed to include the following:

  • Never startle a dog.
  • Make some noise or rattle a fence to alert the dog if entering a yard.
  • Keep their eyes on the dog at all times (as even a seemingly harmless dog can sneak-up behind and bite when the mail carrier is unaware of this threat).
  • Never assume a dog won’t bite.
  • Never put your face near a dog’s mouth.
  • Never attempt to pet or feed a dog.
  • Place their foot against an outward swinging door.
  • If a dog attacks, carriers should also be trained to stand their ground and protect their body by placing something between them and the attacking dog — such as their mail satchel — and to have and use dog repellent, when necessary.
Dog Bite Law—Dog Owners’ Liability

In California the general rule is when a dog bites someone, the owner is strictly liable even if the dog owner had no knowledge that his or her dog was dangerous. There is NO one first dog bite law in California—which means there is liability the FIRST time a dog bites someone as opposed to some other states where the dog owner is NOT liable unless s/he knew their dog was dangerous, which often simply means that his or her dog had bit someone else before. Dog owners in California do NOT get the benefit of this one dog bite rule that exists in other jurisdictions. For more information about dog bite law, please visit our webpage on the California Dog Bite Law, Calif. Civil Code 3342(a)

What to Do if You Are a USPS Mail Carrier or Employee and Bit by a Dog

If you are a letter carrier or other employee of the U.S. Postal Service and bit by a dog:

  • Get immediate medical assistance.
  • If necessary call 911
  • Obtain the identity of the dog owner and anyone in control of the dog and all witnesses, including names, telephone numbers, addresses, email addresses.
  • Obtain photos of the dog, the area and all injuries
  • Write down the address where the incident occurred, time and date
  • Report the incident to your postmaster/supervisor
  • Contact our dog bite personal injury law offices for a FREE consultation and if we take your case there is NO fee until we WIN. We work on a contingency fee so you do NOT need to worry about lawyer fees!
  • Report the incident to the local Animal Control Department to investigate, including to be sure the dog does not have rabies.

For more information about dog bite procedures and cases, go to our Dog Bite Advice webpage on What to do if You are Bit by a Dog.

There are many time limits and procedures to follow.

Please do NOT wait and risk losing your rights.

There is NO charge to talk to us now.

If you or someone you care about, including a fellow postal employee, was bit and injured please call us now at 1 866 INJURY 2 or 818-222-3400 (after hours please press “1” for immediate help).

We have offices in the San Fernando Valley/Calabasas and Beverly Hills/Los Angeles to help you!

Remember with our dog bite personal injury offices – you get a FREE CONSULTATION and NO FEE until you WIN!

Client Reviews
You guys did a great job in settling my case! Hope you all do well and prosper. Thank you for a job well done. Jackie C.
We had two prior attorneys who were unable to settle our car accident case. We then hired Gary and Robert Walch and they not only got us both great settlements, but personally spent time with us explaining everything clearly. We couldn't be happier. Thank you! A.M. and M.A.
Dear Gary, I just want to thank you for working so hard on my case! I know at times we were a bit difficult, but you did a great job. I thank you and your son for good results. I will pass your number on to any one that I run across who may need a PI attorney! I send you warm regards. Julie B.
Dear Gary, I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate all your efforts on my behalf. The car accident was a very traumatizing experience for me. But knowing that I could trust you and your son, Robert, helped alleviate my fears and worries. Carmella C.
Thank you for all of your hard work and thank you for making it so easy over e-mail for me. I'm a busy working mom of an Autistic 5 year old son and you guys were great. I will definitely recommend your services to family and friends. Edna G.
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